Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I woke up this morning with a raw throat. It stinks. I guess this is why Ragsy was so crabby last week - that and my being out of it thanks to my brain being on the fritz. Oh, well. Just when you need him to be more communicative, that's when he has the most trouble. Understandable but unfortunate.

Anyway, you'll have to excuse yesterday's rage-filled, overly-emotional post. I couldn't help but be a little irritated that the first thing I heard and read upon the news that the bailout had failed to pass the House was whose fault it was and how politicians only care about the rich. It's disheartening to say the least. Sometimes I think seriously of moving to India. I'm lucky because I ultimately am not likely to be significantly impacted by what's going on. In the longer term, anyway. But if I were not as fortunate as I am, I would be confused and very worried. It bothers me that instead of telling an uneasy public exactly 1) what's happening, 2) what it means, 3) what the options are, 4) what impact those would have and 5) what exactly they plan to do and 6) what, if anything, we could be doing to expedite or mitigate the risk, they're wasting time. And the media is encouraging it by giving them airtime. So there. More concise, less pissy and hopefully more coherent.

Today I may try to get some sleep in. And a walk. It's going to be absolutely beautiful and I don't want to waste it even if my throat hurts.

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