Friday, April 25, 2008

Walk awhile.

My husband and I are currently relaxing (okay, he's sleeping; I couldn't once the snoring started) from a hike we just took in Shaw Nature Preserve. It was gorgeous - if you've never been there, I highly recommend it. They have these spectacular wildflower gardens and just generally beautiful, well-kept trails. Entry is $3 per adult and free for under 12.

We strolled/walked for two hours, ate lunch, which we brought, and came back. I can't think of a better way to celebrate an annivesary. Also, tonight is Ragsy's first sleepover, so we'll have even more time tonight to go to dinner and maybe see a movie (though we were never really movie-goers to begin with, so if we don't it won't matter) or just hang out.

I'm a little nervous about Ragsy's first night away from home. I've been trying to prepare him for it by talking it up instead of us picking him up from daycare only to take him back and run in the opposite direction. In response, he's been slighly more cranky over the last few days. Still, even if he's cranky, it's more honest to do it this way even if it does suck.

It would have been nice to have had his first sleepover at a family member's house; however, since none of our family is nearby and he's probably more familiar with the people at daycare than he is with his grandmother or aunt and uncle, it seemed more natural for us to go this route instead.

Of course, then I'm beginning to question the idea of having him do a sleepover period. I'm glad we waited this long to do it. Still, I feel like a bad mother packing my kid off to sleep somewhere else. Oh, well - we'll see what happens. He'll probably hate it and let us have it when we pick him up. Whether or not we go to his 9:30 a.m. swimming lesson tomorrow is still up for grabs - if he's too upset, we'll just go home. Ugh, I wish I had known motherhood came with so much guilt.

Ah, well. Here I am, watching A Haunting while my husband sleeps and freaking myself out to no end. Bad idea. At least someone else is home.

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