Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I hate that jingle.

Ragsy is theoretically napping right now (theoretically because he's so congested he's finding it hard to get comfortable and has already awoken once), so I'm hanging out here, watching TV and typing. And I heard this jingle that I absolutely loathe. I don't even remember what product it's for, but I know it's food because it goes:

Yummy, yummy, yummy
I've got love in my tummy....

It bothers me on a number of levels. One is the gooey sweetness with which it is sung. As you probably know, I've had enough of gooey-ness for the day. Two is that, while I get that it's a completely innocent marketing jingle, it implies that food equals love. I don't like that. I've got enough food issues as it is (as evidenced by the side of my very generous backside which is nonetheless smaller than it was before - thank god) - I don't need an advertisement backing that up. And third and finally (and least important) is that no matter how many times I hear the song, I can't remember what it's for.

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