Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Two down, one to go.

I wound up going home yesterday. It was better for everyone involved. I just hope I haven't infected anyone here at work. Unfortunately, infecting family is more or less unavoidable. I called my husband at work to confirm who would be picking up Ragsy and he told me he was starting to feel nauseated. He said he had eaten a big lunch and hoped it might be that. I told him that he might as well go home now, but I don't think he will. Yuck. I hope he gets over it more quickly than I did.

Anyway, I'm still really lethargic, kind of crampy and generally a bit out of it. I'm just now able to eat small amounts of food other than white toast. I've moved up to chicken and a little pasta. On the upside, it's quick weight loss (which will probably return just as quickly).

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