Friday, April 24, 2015

TGIF, baby

I slept in this morning - way too late. I usually get up between 5 and 5:30 a.m., but at some point I must've attempted to reset my alarm, but forgot to turn it on in my sleep-dazed state. So I woke up at 6:09 instead. I should be grateful for the extra sleep, but I felt buzzy and weird from the rush. That "oh, shit!" moment, followed by a frantic five-minute shower and subsequent "getting ready for the day" activities, going in to wake my son only to realize much to my relief that he was already awake, and my daughter woke soon after.

My reaction to sleeping in demonstrated how thoroughly my workplace has warped my brain. My thought process started normally, them promptly shifted into root cause, impact, fix, prevention:
  1. Holy monkeys, I slept in more than an hour! Need to hurry! Shower! 
  2. Shower done, clothes on - only 6:22 - wake kids! There's still time to fix this with limited impact!
  3. Sweet, kids are awake. Why the heck aren't they dressed? Get them dressed get them dressed get them dressed.
  4. Feed kids, make lunch, get kids to check backpacks, kids need to brush, put on shoes, get them the heck outta the house.
  5. (And here's where my brain went south) Hmmm, is there any way to identify a history of my alarm-resetting activities so I can identify what happened and figure out if this is a pattern? I don't usually do this, but when I did last, what were the circumstances?
  6. Hmmm, that's right - I've had the same clock since college. It won't give me a history of inappropriate sleeping in, so I'll have to rely on anecdotal evidence. Dammit. 
  7. If it won't give me a history of sleeping in inappropriately, what will? How can I prevent this in the future, and what would the impact be if I did it again?
  8. Maybe I should go to bed early or set my alarm later to prevent this. 
  9. Time for an action plan. 
I told a friend at work and she told me I needed a vacation. I concur. I'm so glad it's Friday. And my wedding anniversary to boot - 11 years of wedded bliss. Hooray!

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