Saturday, November 8, 2014


This has been a very disappointing week. Congress was taken by the Republicans, who are now spouting a message of unity and bipartisanship after having spent years blocking as many Democratic policies as possible. I just hope they're sincere. But I'm fairly confident that they'll use this as an opportunity to forward whatever anti-women, xenophobic, big corporation agenda they have. Which blows. If they practiced what they preached and were more inclusive I would consider them as potentially vote-worthy. My problem is that I don't understand their logic.

Poor people don't deserve insurance - they need to get it themselves with no government help. Well, if you're poor, the last thing you can afford is health insurance, particularly if you're food insecure and not sure if you'll have a place to live if you commit the sin of taking care of yourself. There's no pulling yourself up by your bootstraps in a situation like that.

Women shouldn't be able to control their own bodies - instead, they should be controlled by a bunch of white male policy makers with no medical credentials. You know, to fix the problem of the single mother freeloading off the government, because that's incredibly common. Keep telling yourself that.

And somehow big business will take pity on the working class what? Not screw them over? Not in this lifetime, and not without regulation.

Anyway, I'm disappointed and afraid of the next few years. I'm concerned that the quality of my children's education will suffer from an anti-science body of lawmakers as well.

So there was that. Then the middle of the week brought a large amount of layoffs at work, a few of which impacted our team. Since we are involved in government healthcare, which comes with non-negotiable deadlines and a heavy workload, we lost a smaller percentage than others, but losing people is always hard.

The thing is, from a management perspective, I totally get it. The way we practice business has been somewhat inefficient and we need to knock it off to be profitable. But from a personal perspective, it's unsettling, causes confusion and fear and it wasn't done well. Anyway, all in all a shitty week. I was glad last night to get home, play with my children and eat a meal with my husband, who I don't get to spend nearly enough time with.

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