Monday, October 5, 2009

That's a new one.

Everyone has gone back to their corners today. Probably because there was no time for anyone to get on anyone else's nerves this morning. I can't wait until these blasted fans are turned off and my mom is gone. Other than that, things are better today.

Mom went with me this morning to fetal monitoring. One thing I often do while there is give the baby a little nudge to move things along. Unfortunately, my plan backfired today. The baby wouldn't stop moving long enough for them to get a baseline reading of its heartbeat, so I was there for an hour. Foiled again.

Oh, well. We were out of there shortly after (after the ultrasound, that is) and got to go to lunch. Now we're stuck in this hot, loud house and we can't open any doors or windows because it's supposed to be as dry in here as possible to make sure the carpets and the pads underneath them get dried. I get to escape in about 20 minutes, though, when I go to my perinatologist.

I'm looking forward to that - I can't even go to the bathroom without my mom asking what I'm up to. Yikes.

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