My husband and I have a long-standing movie-watching pattern. It goes like this: he wants to watch a movie and I want to hang out. I rarely have an opportunity to see movies, so for all I know, I could be missing something really good. So I agree to watch. Unfortunately, even though I like to watch movies, unless I'm at a friend's house or in a theater, I have serious trouble sitting through movies, even the ones I've asked to watch. I'm on a 12-step program, but I don't think it will help. This is the way I was raised.
Anyway, I often get up to move around and my husband always pauses the movie for me. It's very sweet of him - I normally appreciate it, even though I feel guilty forcing him to stop and start the movie. But today's movie is Silent Hill, a particularly creepy horror film. I'm using my computer as something to look at right now so I don't have to watch the movie. It's very freaky. Fortunately, he's agreed not to pause this one. I don't think I want him to.
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