Sunday, March 8, 2009


I never realized how much of a workout it was to teach a little kid to swim. This explains why I used to be so exhausted after Ragsy's swim lessons when he was a baby. But he's gotten heavier, so I feel like I've been lifting weights.

As you've probably realized, I took Ragsy to the pool today. It was a ton of fun, but he's much, much larger than he was last year (around 36 to 37 pounds I think), so holding him horizontal in the water while running up and down the lanes resulted in sore biceps, a sore core, achy butt and sore thighs. I'm glad I went and want to go again next weekend. It was a better, more difficult workout than the last time I lifted weights. (Then again, that probably means I'm lifting wrong.)

But he loved it and he kicked really well. So far, we've just barely gotten beyond the around-the-neck death grip and moved on to floating, kicking legs with the occasional right-handed splash. I asked him if he'd prefer to do something else, but he was bound and determined to go swimming, so we went. The better to wipe him out, my dear. And the exercise isn't hurting either of us.

Even better, afterward we were done, he used the potty - at the Y! This was absurdly exciting to both of us, almost as exciting as his pooping in the potty was yesterday afternoon. I think something has clicked. All of a sudden this week he's telling us when he has to go and actually going instead of using it as a stalling technique to avoid going to sleep. Hopefully it won't be too much longer before we're out of the diapers during the day.

Later today, we'll be working in the yard, getting a haircut and going to the store, possibly with an ice cream trip thrown in. We rarely bribe Ragsy, but I think it'll be worth it for the haircut. Gotta choose your bribes carefully. Thank God he's totally susceptable to them.

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