Monday, February 1, 2010

Good grief.

So, I admit it. I was completely irresponsible. While I renewed my license plates in December, I kept one of the old ones on until today. But I had a somewhat good reason: the screw was so stripped I couldn't get it off without a mechanic's help (it needed bolt cutters and a few other specialized tools I don't have and don't want to buy) and, with all the illness in the house, got distracted. Nonetheless, I did have some time in which I could have gone to the dealership and had the offending plate removed and the new plate attached. Anyway, I had attached the front plate and put the rear new plate in my rear window so at least it was visible. But I get it - I didn't meet requirements. So I wasn't terribly surprised when I found a ticket on my windshield last week citing me for failure to display two current plates. Okay, I thought - Evelyn's first day at daycare is Monday, so I can get the rear plate replaced then.

So, today after I dropped her off and made a belated visit to the dentist for a teeth cleaning, I headed to Starbucks (have to have coffee while I wait) and was turning into the dealership when a cop flipped his lights on behind me. I knew exactly why - expired plates. But still, what timing! What...I don't know what. I was lucky he didn't give me a ticket, but I'm sure he stayed in the parking lot to make sure I actually drove into the dealership.

I should've expected it. After all, today was a day for expected unexpecteds. You know, those things you talk about, then say, "That figures." Getting pulled over for the very thing I was on my way to fix was one. The other was how happy Evelyn was when I dropped her at daycare. No, I didn't want her to be upset. But she usually does her scalded cat impression when anyone else but me or my husband holds her. Instead, when Tina pulled her from her car seat, she cuddled up to her, let Tina swaddle her without a peep (I suggested a nap since she'd gotten up early), then lay in her crib grinning and kicking her feet. I called to check in - surely she'd gotten upset when she realized I'd gone. Nope - the only time she'd gotten bent out of shape was when she was hungry and was offered a bottle instead of a breast. I was completely nonplussed. Even now I'm still going, "huh?" When I called she was sleeping, so I decided to give her a little longer before I pick her up. Good grief.

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