Monday, July 7, 2014


I was at Jury Duty today. I didn't wind up being selected, though I was on a panel. Sitting through the whole process - being called, then being culled - was odd and strangely concerning. I learned that a) I really don't want to be responsible for determining someone else's fate - someone I've never met and with whose circumstances I am completely unfamiliar. Not only do I not want to do that. I don't feel I deserve to do so.

b) I'm a heck of a lot less impartial than I purport to be. It was a criminal trial and the jury selection portion involved answering a lot of questions about domestic violence, abuse and divorce, all of which are issues I've been unfortunate enough to experience firsthand.

And c) I don't think anyone else is able to be truly impartial, either. I guess some people are just more impartial than others.

This post brought to you by Captain Obvious and the number 6.

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