Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day One

Rags started kindergarten at the "big" school today. It went better than I could have hoped. We got there, he carefully examined his cubby where he had to hang his backpack and, after he'd confirmed several times that, yes, it was his name on the cubby, he hung his backpack up, put up his lunchbag, walked in and started coloring with a little girl.

When I picked him up, he was energetic, happy and clearly enjoying himself. I'm sure that things will get harder when he actually has homework and "real" class begins, but this is much, much better than I thought it would be. I really didn't give the kid enough credit.

Hopefully I can let go of some of this guilt now. Having him in aftercare has been eating away at me - I don't like that his day is as long as mine is. But, I guess that's one reality we'll just have to deal with. And he seems to be dealing with it better than I am.


BriteLady said...

We tried every trick we could to keep from signing our daughter up for the after-school care in her Kindergarten year. I work 4 days a week (32.5 hours, to be exact, in order to keep health insurance), am at my desk before 7am so I can leave early enough to pick her up, and on and on. You know what she got upset with? That some of her friends got to go to the "second recess" and she didn't.

When we gave in towards the end of that year and signed her up about two days a week, she was happier and we were happier because things weren't so rushed every morning. I didn't have to stress about squeezing in that last hour for the week or leaving a meeting early again, and she got extra play time.

I'm glad Ragsy likes Kindergarten. It's so wonderful to see the happy smiles on their faces when they've had a fun day at school.

Anonymous said...

Sorry.. this is very random but.. your sentence about wanting a picture of a chicken popping out made me think of this: http://i.imgur.com/tdcS0.jpg

I know.. its a rooster.. but its very funny.

(You don't know me, btw... I found your blog by pressing the "next blog" button. :-p)