It's amazing how having children will make you into an unwitting liar. Top five best examples, at least from my life as a parent so far:
- "I will NEVER feed my child anything other than homemade organic babyfood." (until I realize that if I do that, I will never sleep)
- "They will never eat at McDonald's." (until all his friends got to go to McDonald's after baseball...except him, until I relented)
- "No formula for mine!" (until I had a seizure, resulting two week migraine and astronomically high blood pressure that made it difficult to sit up, much less nurse)
- "Children do not ever belong in the marital bed." (until our child screamed so long and hard he vomited and I realized I couldn't do that to him or myself ever again)
- "I don't believe in bribes for children. Ever." (until Rags was having his first good day in months when he was going through the "terribles" and I could tell he was about to lose it and just couldn't handle another bout for a couple of hours)
Anyway, the cavity worked out well enough. Apparently it wasn't deep enough to require any anesthesia - no novicaine, no topicals - whatsoever. And our dentist prefers not to introduce needles to children unless absolutely necessary. So instead she let her look at the tools for a bit, showed them how they worked, cleaned her out with the drill, filled the tooth and let her go - all in about 15 minutes. No pain, no apparent discomfort. Did I mention that I love our dentist?
And now, here I sit, "working" from home. Working in quotes because my work is about to reorg again and I'm waiting for more legislation before I can move forward on really anything. So all my afternoon meetings are canceled, I'm spinning my wheels when I should be proactive and burnt out from working 14 hours a day for three weeks with no breaks only to suddenly find myself with downtime. Which I apparently can't handle.
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