Tuesday, March 11, 2008

We did it wrong.

I was talking to my pediatrician's office to confirm that we could start letting Ragsy eat normally now. Their advice was to start with things like toast and crackers, moving up slowly through soups and only then into milk, then if he keeps that down, let him eat normally. Unfortunately, we did it a little backwards starting with milk, then crackers, etc. Oh, well. He hasn't barfed since last night, though if he goes to daycare tomorrow, he should probably have his milk cut with water just in case.

Strange thing is that his fever disappeared almost immediately after he barfed and the only thing he'd had all day was milk. Hopefully he's not allergic to it, but I guess we'll find out, probably the hard way.

Anyway, I hope he stops getting sick because:

A) Most importantly, I feel really bad for him.

B) Yuck.

C) I don't want to worry anymore (for a few weeks would be nice, anyway).

D) I have a chance to go to my mom's house - all by myself - this weekend and really want to take it. I know it's selfish, but the thought of as many hours of sleep as I desire on my very own bed that I don't have to share with anyone is almost enough to make me drool. Even better, I can stay up late if I want, watch movies, play on the computer and drink a glass of wine without worrying about being groggy in the morning. And I'll be able to drink coffee without having to protect my cup. And even though my mom talks almost non-stop, I'll be able to find some quiet and time to work out (again, whenever I want), which sounds just about like heaven. I don't know if I can smoosh all this into a full day and half a day Sunday, but I'll certainly try.

The only thing that's going to be missing is Ragsy and my husband. Silly - I'm always complaining about how I have absolutely no time to myself, yet when thinking of a whole weekend I'll have to myself, it seems incomplete without them. Oh, well - I'm sure I'll manage.

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